12/3/2023 0 Comments Don't Miss Dinner, Joy.brotherGood morning and happy Sunday! On October 14, 2023, I shared with a group, a piece titled 'What GOD Cannot Do Does Not Exist' (borrowed from my favorite prayer platform.). In that piece, I shared something I do not recall ever sharing publicly. The fact that when I got saved, due to being a secret born again Christian for fear of losing my life, I had followed, by coercion, my Dad to the Catholic Church on Sundays and that GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT fed me spiritually through the speakers of a living church next door to St. Gabriel's. I also told you the name of the church was The Stone Church. That was 1998. In another country. On another continent. This is 2023. Here in the U.S. Today, the [updated later : he is the brother] to that pastor of that church, The Stone Church, whom I don't recall ever meeting, is coming to minister at our church here in Maryland in the United States, a whole different continent from the two continents he is associated with by Citizenship! If you know for a fact that coincidences do not exist, that there is a GOD Who supernaturally plans meetings, coordinates events, joins people together to fulfill a divine purpose, then you would not be surprised that someone who fed me remotely at 17, GOD would send them to me at 42 to give me what I need at this moment. GOD is GOD! He is elderly, and maybe retired now but still full of fire. I don't know anything about him personally. He shared some interesting details at last night's meeting and two nights ago (a three-day event) and those were pointers to me as to why GOD sent him. I have no connection to him being here, nor did I know until I saw the flyers. The name rang a faint bell, I googled who is the pastor of The Stone Church, and there it was right in my face. Can you imagine how I felt? The knowing that GOD remembers how HE fed his newborn spiritual baby who had no means to eat and HE routed food through loud speakers. You have to live this reality to appreciate everything I feel. GOD cares! GOD loves! GOD is loyal to a fault, y'all! Don't make me cry. Y'all, I ate as much as I could that way. Fed other ways. The day the hunger became too much, was Easter Sunday that year, if i recall correctly and that was the day I went public, mind fully made up that if i perish, I perish. I'm still here. Because GOD is faithful! Friends, I am in awe of GOD! Today, I don't know what challenges are aching your soul. What loss is tearing at your faith. What annoying little lie the devil might be implanting with desperation into you to uproot the gospel of JESUS. But I can tell you this: JESUS is faithful to all who trust in HIM. It won't be easy, HE didn't promise that it will be on earth. But HE promised something is greater. Prominent of which is the marriage supper of the LAMB. I have one thing to pin on your fridge, 'Don't miss that Dinner, {please put your name here}'. There is no reward for being a partial Christian. You must make it all the way, tears, aches, wounds, losses and all. It will all make sense when you see things from the other side. If you are frustrated, open up with GOD. Don't sugarcoat it, but don't disrespect GOD either. Put it all on the table. Tell GOD it does not make sense to you. When you are done, wipe your tears and tell yourself that GOD is still good TO YOU even if the plants do not produce. Then go back to doing the last thing GOD told you until you hear the next instruction. And, be grateful. Many, even in the world, would shove you out to take the place you are standing on and complaining. Be grateful. Be grateful. Be grateful. To GOD. Tell HIM, 'Thank YOU, SIR' aloud. And please, mean it. Don't miss the marriage supper of the LAMB. Because everything you need to make it there has already been provided so missing it would never, ever be GOD's fault but fully yours. Today, I will watch our church service remotely. I won't be in the church. But this man of GOD may never know how he contributed to my life until he reaches heaven and his hands are getting loaded with benefits and he is getting applauded. The same way, you do not know all the ways you, yes you, have contributed to the Kingdom of GOD. If you miss heaven, oh how sad it will be to miss the surprise packages like these that you could not see on earth! I love you. But someone loves you more than I do, will stick with you when i walk away, will stand with you when my face and everyone's turns when you fall, will smile when all else are mocking you, will feel the pain you cannot share, and feed the need you are too embarrassed to admit, and break the addictions you find too tough to get away from. That PERSON is JESUS CHRIST. HE betrothed you to HIMSELF for a hefty sum, and by HIS blood bought eternal life for you. And HE is waiting for a special dinner with you at the end of time... I beg you, with my knees on the ground, DO NOT MISS IT. Don't miss the dinner of the ages. THE MOST HIGH is waiting for you. Will you make it? Reply if your mind is made up that you will. Let Heaven record it.
I was listening to my Audio Bible this week when something about the Scripture occurred to me. Joshua. In Exodus, GOD was speaking on the mountain and the children of Israel cried to Moses. They said they did not want GOD to speak to them, instead, let Moses be the go between. How sad! Alternatively, the elders of Israel met with GOD, ate with GOD (jealous yet?) and talked with GOD. I can just imagine the elders dipping and their hands brushing GOD's Hand! Wait, how can you be normal after that? You've got to be supernatural after such an encounter! I envied those who ate with GOD. Father Abraham fed GOD. That is even a step higher. To feed GOD. Meaning, you cooked and GOD agreed to eat the food. Then, we come to Joshua. heyyy! I am excited to watch them. Because it seemed as though while others were crying and running from GOD, Joshua saw GOD in another light. He served Moses, saw how righteous the man was, and wanted a little something of that awesomeness. He glanced at GOD and GOD glanced at him. He lingered in the tent where Moses met with GOD, and the GOD WHO speaks volumes without saying one word, measured the man who was interrupting an intimate interaction with Moses. But Joshua was knocking, seeking permission to enjoy such intimacy with the GOD of the universe. He presented hunger, GOD, the greatest lover, most intimate romantic, and greatest FATHER saw the hunger for more of GOD in this...servant. Oh, you missed that. Joshua was not an elder. No president. Not even an elected official. He was nobody. A servant. To Moses. See, when you serve divine greatness, if you show GOD (not the person you are serving, but GOD) your hunger unashamedly, GOD will satisfy that hunger, with or without the approval of who you serve. A servant, who approached GOD, not with a heart ready to reject GOD or be afraid of HIM, but with a heart hungry to embrace WHO GOD is, was allowed to be in an intimate space with GOD. Oh, what a rare privilege! The elders ate with GOD but it ended there. Joshua lingered with GOD and got the whole package! A servant can approach GOD and be accepted of HIM! A nobody can approach GOD and be promoted by HIM! Hunger is not only a need, it is a password of access to GOD! Joshua went on to become Israel's new leader appointed by GOD. But GOD and Joshua did not stop there. No. Joshua began working miracles. Joshua parted the Jordan. Joshua commanded the sun and moon to stand still for hours, maybe 12- 24 hours and the sun stood, obeyed the command of a man who became intimate with GOD. Whatever happened between Moses and GOD that made them part the Red Sea, happened with Joshua and GOD and made them part the Jordan. Joshua got what he wanted, intimacy with GOD. And all the good trappings that come with it. Today, I invite you to hunger for intimacy with GOD. GOD does not change. What HE does for one, HE does for another. If you would let HIM in today, open your heart completely, especially the places you struggle where you have been trying to do it on your own, then you will enjoy a slow dance of love with the ALMIGHTY GOD! Next time you read Exodus 22-24, put yourself there. Say, "GOD, I want to get closer to YOU just like Joshua. I want to eat with you and talk with you like the elders of Israel. I want to walk with you and serve you like Moses. I want to cook for you like Father Abraham. I want to be who YOU designed me to be." And, if you pray that sincerely, GOD will answer you just like HE did the generations of HIS saints before you and I. Have a happy slow dance with GOD in holy reverence! HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Love & Blessings, Joy 11/6/2023 0 Comments A Prayer for PeaceHello! I love how the hues of Fall colors decorate trees! The thing with Fall is I'm not a fan of the wind nor of the cold. But the colors, are too pretty to ignore. Yesterday, we talked about offense, how not to cause it, how to apologize, and how to move forward. Speaking of moving forward, the persecutor who died, we had the privilege of ushering their soul to JESUS before they passed so they made heaven. I don't delight in the death of anyone. The ultimate prize I get for anyone persecuting me, is the salvation of their soul. I accept no other compensation. Nothing like snatching that soul from the devil and saying, "no, you can't have that one!" Can we talk about peace? I know everyone wants peace. There are seasons where it seems chaos surrounds, and it is only after then, that we value the peace we had before. Ever had a quarrel, and afterwards, realized peace was better than winning the argument? The past decade has taught me that having my peace is more important to my mind than food. That having peace in my soul, knowing I hold no grudge and have nothing lurking or secret somewhere waiting for someone to uncover. I love my peace. And so does GOD. GOD wants us to live in peace. JESUS said in Scripture, 'My peace I give you. Not as the world gives..." What does that mean? You won't find peace as a Christian in the accumulation of wealth, though that is not bad in and of itself. You won't find peace in the typical things the world does. You will find peace in CHRIST. Living at the center of JESUS' will would give you peace. Loving your enemies will certainly give you peace. Forgiving those who offended you, obeying an instruction from GOD, all that will give you peace. But...what of when you already went the wrong direction. Is all hope lost? Not at all. You can have turmoil because the enemy breached your life. Or someone close to you let the guard rail low and the enemy got in. You're not the only one impacting your life. You can be living holy, on diving purpose, loving your enemies, and then your spouse cheats on you, cracking open the door for the enemy to afflict your child. There you are at four o clock in the morning, in the hospital, clinging to hope for your child through no fault of your own, a ripe situation for offense (giving the enemy a two-for-one unless you forgive). What do you do when someone or something disrupts your peace through no fault of your own? Take it to the LORD. The only PERSON I know who can restore lost peace is JESUS. HE did it for me. It seemed impossible but HE did it and left me in awe. The people I helped stole my peace and when I got it back, I learned to lock the doors behind me and ask GOD before helping anyone to the degree I did before. JESUS will do the same for you and help you get your peace back if you lost it. It may not be easy but HE will guide you. But you've got to follow HIS instructions this time to reach the desired destination. And when you get your peace back this time, don't let it go! May THE LORD bless you and keep you, may HIS Face shine upon you, may THE LORD lift up HIS countenance upon you, and may HE be gracious unto you, may THE LORD give you peace. AMEN. 11/5/2023 0 Comments A Prayer for PeaceHello! I love how the hues of Fall colors decorate trees! The thing with Fall is I'm not a fan of the wind nor of the cold. But the colors, are too pretty to ignore. Can we talk about peace? I know everyone wants peace. There are seasons where it seems chaos surrounds, and it is only after then, that we value the peace we had before. Ever had a quarrel, and afterwards, realized peace was better than winning the argument? The past decade has taught me that having my peace is more important to my mind than food. That having peace in my soul, knowing I hold no grudge and have nothing lurking or secret somewhere waiting for someone to uncover. I love my peace. And so does GOD. GOD wants us to live in peace. JESUS said in Scripture, 'My peace I give you. Not as the world gives..." What does that mean? You won't find peace as a Christian in the accumulation of wealth, though that is not bad in and of itself. You won't find peace in the typical things the world does. You will find peace in CHRIST. Living at the center of JESUS' will would give you peace. Loving your enemies will certainly give you peace. Forgiving those who offended you, obeying an instruction from GOD, all that will give you peace. But...what of when you already went the wrong direction. Is all hope lost? Not at all. You can have turmoil because the enemy breached your life. Or someone close to you let the guard rail low and the enemy got in. You're not the only one impacting your life. You can be living holy, on diving purpose, loving your enemies, and then your spouse cheats on you, cracking open the door for the enemy to afflict your child. There you are at four o clock in the morning, in the hospital, clinging to hope for your child through no fault of your own, a ripe situation for offense (giving the enemy a two-for-one unless you forgive). What do you do when someone or something disrupts your peace through no fault of your own? Take it to the LORD. The only PERSON I know who can restore lost peace is JESUS. HE did it for me. It seemed impossible but HE did it and left me in awe. The people I helped stole my peace and when I got it back, I learned to lock the doors behind me and ask GOD before helping anyone to the degree I did before. JESUS will do the same for you and help you get your peace back if you lost it. It may not be easy but HE will guide you. But you've got to follow HIS instructions this time to reach the desired destination. And when you get your peace back this time, don't let it go! 11/4/2023 0 Comments OffenseGood evening! Tonight, can we talk about offense? Remember the person I mentioned I'd fallen on the ground begging GOD to ease their suffering due to divine judgement for persecuting my conversion to CHRIST? Well, GOD heard and answered my prayer. I learned someone provided them with a medication that eased their pain. That small ease led to them denying the things they'd done. I was furious. I prayed for GOD to go ahead with every kind of punishment HE wanted to give them. GOD did. They did not live past a few weeks after that. I had thought GOD had gone overboard with HIS judgement. Their swift denial at a small easing of pain was enough proof that GOD never goes beyond. Which is why vengeance must be left to GOD. The person who told us was livid because they knew they heard a lie this time. I wasn't there at all. i was only updated by a third party. I learned they were shouting 'JESUS, have mercy on me, or forgive me' something like that. I realized they knew who was at the other end of the judgement they were going through. But you know what? Forgiveness does not make Christians a walk over. Instant as you can imagine, when their persecution began, GOD issued divine judgement on them, and assigned an angel to carry it out. I saw the angel. I tried to chat him up the day judgement was declared. He is not the kind of angel you chat with. He is not wicked but GOD warned me to get out of the way. Twenty years later, the judgement began. What am I saying? Don't dare touch a child of GOD. Ever. You will regret it. GOD says when you hurt a child of GOD you are touching the apple of HIS eye. You don't want to enter GOD's anger. At all. If you have offended a Christian, please be wise, do what I did. Go, find them, confess, ask for forgiveness until you get it. Then you can go. Because when GOD says that whatsoever a Christian forgives is forgiven, and whatsoever they retain is retained, GOD means it. Stop stressing how they created the circumstances that led to this or that, go and confess. Right now. Right this hour. Because if you die, you will have things to answer for and risk hell when all you had to do was to confess and ask for forgiveness. It is not easy confessing. It is the hardest thing to do. It will humble you. But at the end, your soul will be saved. Someone who got me real good for years with their negative words and had me in tears constantly, each time they said something negative, GOD would do a miracle about that insult, and in such a way they'd know. They stopped talking. Furious, but silent. They learned I'm not alone. I have a GOD, the GOD, who does not sleep or slumber, and answers every insult! Not just for me but for you when you let HIM. My point? If your parent offended you, and you bantered words, please go and ask for forgiveness. GOD will handle them and their fault. If your spouse, ex, co-habitant, child, employee, boss, whoever says you hurt them, go and tell them THIS VERY HOUR that you are sorry. "I am sorry for offending you. I was wrong when I xxxx. Please forgive me." Say this and whether they forgive you or not, it is now between them and GOD. We always shine the light on where others failed us and hide where we failed others. If you think you could have done better with your child, tell them so. Advise them the better way to go. Even better, show them the way to CHRIST when they see HIM in you. The road to heaven is narrow, satan plants plenty of offenses along the way. Avoid the ones you can. If you fall, ask GOD and receive the courage to admit to GOD and those concerned, verbally and humbly, that you fell. Then GET BACK UP. Self pity, and languishing in guilt does not look good on you! Get back on track but not until you have done the above. It is scary how good Heaven keeps records in video form. You do not want your time on earth to be replayed in heaven for all to see and you failed because you tried to sweep something under the carpet. In the spirit realm, NOTHING is hidden. Both hell and heaven are watching. Because a war is going on. And, it will never be said that Heaven won the wrong way. Who is heaven? You. Me. Every saved Christian living in a state of holiness. Live like you know you have more to gain now and in the life to come. If you see me groveling for forgiveness at the feet of someone tomorrow, I'm not stupid. I know exactly what is at stake. And my pride will not stand in the way. I will burn pride to get to the cross everyday, crying, "Forgive me LORD, for I know not what I do!" What about you? Choose wisely. No one knows their last day on earth. Don't dare hurt a Christian. Their LORD will visit you with vengeance and you will be sorry. If you are a Christian, please live like a pilgrim. Watch, pray, watch harder. I love you, but JESUS loves you the most! 11/3/2023 0 Comments RevengeGood evening! Two years ago. The time was about 2a.m. I was restless. I had come to remember something I'd thought about someone dear to me that was not good and felt pressed to confess to them. If I did, chances were high that would ruin the relationship I priced irreversibly. I could not go back bed. GOD had called me into ministry. satan had begun frequenting my house and attacking me. I knew if I didn't deal with this sin soon, if the enemy showed up, it would see the opening made by sin into my life and take me out. The clock was ticking. Oh, how i fought that confession! I loved this person so much their spouse knew I was their junior friend. They were older, more influential, but each time my divine destiny or my life was in jeopardy, they had the right word or action for me. How could I hurt one I loved so? The clock was ticking. I didn't dare take chances. So, I caved. I messaged them, but didn't really tell the truth. They may have replied with something like, no worries. But I knew the real truth had not come out. Finally, after several successive messages, the truth did make it's way out. I'm not even sure I'd summoned enough courage to tell the whole entire truth but I did the best I could. It hurt real bad. I waited. They said to me, go to bed. That was the last kind word. The next time i saw them in church, I could see the wrestle caused by the pain I caused them. I suspected they were struggling with the decision to not revenge. Eventually, they caved. But not in the way you'd think. They didn't try to sabotage my present. From where I sat, it seemed they went into the future to process their sabotage in revenge. I watched but said nothing to them. What they didn't know was that GOD was already punishing me. The area of their life where I had offended them, GOD took a big 'cane' and I knew I deserved that punishment. The punishment/rebuke/chastisement from the LORD is not over even today. I did not complain. GOD is my FATHER, and HE and i have an understanding that I would rather HE dealt with a flaw in me here than let it drag me to hell. But, this dear senior friend did not know that. When they looked at my life, it seemed perfect, untouched by the emotional pain I had caused them which was far from the truth. I suffered, and publicly too, for what I had done except that the only ones who knew what the punishment was, was GOD and I. Meaning, everything they did to sabotage my future, they will be held accountable for. Because they did not trust GOD to revenge for them even when GOD did. It is the same in your life. GOD has dealt revenge for me to people whom I knew and did not know offended me. Sometimes, GOD would handle them then let me know what had happened. I learned to forgive and let GOD judge and revenge for me after watching how GOD does it. Because you didn't create someone, you don't know how they hurt to the degree they hurt you. But GOD does. Leaving judgement and vengeance to GOD means you don't go overboard and then have things to answer for on judgement day. It also means you trust GOD. There is no hurt or pain or offense you cannot leave to GOD, even murder. GOD says HE owes no man. Each person on earth receives justice both when they are alive and when they are gone. GOD will make sure on judgement day when anyone complains that you see how HE punished the person who offended you. When GOD declared judgement against someone who persecuted me for my salvation, when that judgement began, I was the one who sank to my knees on the hallway, begging GOD that their suffering was enough. Those I'd confessed past sins to, they were the ones who went to the altar to pray for GOD to save my life when satanic attacks nearly took me out in January this year. GOD has more tools in HIS toolkit than you know. You can never move on until you forgive completely. You can never see clearly when vengeance coats your gaze and drives your choices. I have been forgiven a lot by GOD and man. I have forgiven a lot too. In all, I've learned to be careful not to offend, but not shy to speak the truth when I see oppression. It's a balancing act only GOD can help us with. It may not be easy. Some forgiveness took me three years to get to the point of forgiving them. But you know you have forgiven when you mention their name in the place of prayer and there is no twinge in your heart. Have you forgiven (1) ALL, (2) COMPLETELY, (3) never to mention the offense again? Forgive. Please. Quit revenge. Stop repeating what happened to every ear. Love again. Grace to you in JESUS name, AMEN! Love, Joy 10/29/2023 0 Comments 2ND Emergency Preparedness ToolkitHi and happy Monday!
Thank you for your love about the things I share! I apologize for the typos in yesterday's email. Are you ready for one more of these? Here is something else to consider adding to your toolkit in case of an emergency. 1. Ziploc. Many only think of this for bagging things for the freezer but Ziploc is used for more important stuff out there like preserving your electronic devices, and preventing liquid damage. 2. Mentioning that the Norwegian cod fish can be consumed in the form you purchase it from the store. Forgot to mention that yesterday. :) 3. Designated meeting point. As a family, decide where to meet. An airport, or another country. 4. Keep a laptop/tablet/phone in your car. If you cannot communicate by phone, if you catch some wifi, you can send an email. 5. Alcohol prep pads. Good for treating minor wounds. 6. Avoid completely tinted vehicular neighbors where possible. If you cannot see the driver, anyone, including a desperate criminal, can be behind the wheel parked next to you. 7. Stay aware at night time. Any approaching person can be armed. Something GOD has taught me is to be careful as there are more weapons that are not guns. 8. Keep something around you that can be used for Holy Communion. Take Holy Communion daily. Spiritual healing occurs when the communion is taken correctly. HIS MAJESTY can access you for healing things you do not want to know about, but will be grateful for. You're still a Christian both in stable times and unstable ones. :) 9. Keep your eyes out for people you pass daily who need help. They rarely ask. When you discern a need, and can meet it, open your hand so GOD can use you to help another person. Do not demand gratitude. Your repayment comes from GOD. 10. Keep in touch with GOD regularly. Keep a consistent prayer and worship time. If you can pray at twelve noon daily, and worship at six p.m. heaven knows when to expect your fellowship. One thing I was warned about by a veteran preacher or two, is that GOD keeps appointments seriously. You show up at four p.m. today, promise GOD you will be there tomorrow, and then GOD comes tomorrow at 4pm, and is waiting on you but you do not show up. How would HE feel next time you called a random? Of course, GOD hears and answers prayers at all times. HE just answers some faster than others depending on how familiar HE is with you. Become familiar with GOD. More familiar. It pays you at the end. Nothing better than hearing THE VOICE of your MAKER, the same VOICE that walked in the garden in Genesis, six thousand years ago, whisper to your ear as you wake to tell you, I enjoyed your prayer last night! 10/29/2023 0 Comments Emergency Preparedness ToolkitHi and happy Sunday!
In times of uncertainty, most people don't know what to take and what to keep. As a Christian, if the all breaks loose, what do you take and what do you leave? As a daughter of two war survivors, where starvation was used as a weapon, let me give you some personal, and non professional suggestions. 1. Salt. Salt is the one thing my Mom decried their not having during the war. Said people resorted to ash. Salt is not only a preservative for meats, it helps prevent infection when you wash wounds with it. Salt also helps maintain the salinity of your body, highly essential! 2. Norwegian Cod fish.If you are not from Africa (or Norway) you would not know or have eaten this fish. But, I can assure you, that if you were to find yourself in an emergency situation where there is no ready access to protein, to keep alive, you need fish. This fish has the most dense protein I know of by experience. If your teeth is not strong, you may have trouble consuming it. It is dried so well, that to eat it, you have to cook it. I highly suggest you visit an international African food store, ask for (stock fish), have then cut them into slices as small as possible then bag it and forget it. It will last for years and still be good. If you have this fish, you take as much of a bite as you can tear from it's hardness, and that supply of protein can carry you for an entire day. You do need to preserve it in triple ziploc as the fish smell is very strong and escapes every form of wrapping. But, where there is no ready source of protein, one arm of this fish (cut into small bits ahead by a machine at the store and eaten with small tears, not bites, as needed) will save your life for months! 3. Dry powdered milk/coffee creamer/small pack of candy. 4. A small electric kettle. You can plug it into any power source you find and voila, you have hot water! You can carefully place raw eggs in it and boil. Wash the kettle and store it. You can re-use it, 5. A Thermal mug/flask. Keeping hot water in a thermal container means ready access to hot water should urgent need arise in a place you cannot readily boil water. Sfely clean a wound with warm water, and make a quick meal. 6. Ramen. I know. You're too classy to eat Ramen. Put it in your car and forget about it. The day you cannot reach a store, are in an emergency, you can eat it raw, and if you have a thermal and hot water, you can make it into a meal. 7. Cookies. If you have a pack of cookies, no matter what, it's ready food, though unhealthy. 8. Spare clothing. Place a pack of jeans, underwear, feminine products, bath soap, body wipes, and a flat shoe in your car. When my car was totaled in January 2023, I climbed out through the trunk and because the car was in water, i took the crocs in the car and stepped out with both legs wounded out of the car. I do not know what was in those waters but thank GOD for the strangers who ran into the water to rescue me.They were neither police nor first responders, just other drivers who cared about my life. May GOD bless them and remember them for good in JESUS Name, Amen! But, have a pair of crocs in your car. And underwear, including a bra for ladies. And everything that can cover your nakedness should everything you are wearing need to go. 9. Water. A 40-pack of water is i think around $6 at Walmart. Buy a pack, put it in your trunk. You never want to find yourself without water. 10. As a Christian, this is of utmost importance. Buy even a small bottle of extravirgin olive oil and paper towels/napkins and put in your car and purse. Should you run into an emergency, shelter in the premises where a satanic agent is sheltering, or owns, they may be kind in the daytime but hell knows no kin at night. You can pray over that oil, it carries the power of GOD to you, and can reverse every satanic attack. Certain attacks, especially serpentine attacks, can only be repelled by direct application of the power of GOD, and the only conduit approved by Scripture, is the anointing oil. Friends, you can dictate where your journey starts, but under this sun, never where it ends. Only GOD knows so it pays to be prepared. Finally, carry your Bible. I love my audio Bible and play it often. Times may come when platforms disappear, power goes out, and home is unaccessible. Crack open that eternal WORD of GOD and see it feed you from pages known to give life eternally. It will keep your heart from anxiety, give you hope, show you the path to take, where to plant your feet, and keep your eyes on who to trust, and where your help ultimately comes from, THE LORD. Shalom. 10/12/2023 1 Comment Singlehood. Singleness season is usually hunting season. For believers, it's time to find Boaz. Or do lazy dating (and sexing if they are still living in sin, just keeping it real) until they are ready to marry (aka for Boaz). However, when you are walking in holiness with GOD, in intentional consecration, singleness and holiness quickly becomes spiritual warfare. The devil will never attack you in an area where you are not hungry. satan showed up in the wilderness when our LORD JESUS was hungry. satan did not tempt JESUS when he was being spotlighted during baptism at the Jordan River by GOD THE FATHER. He waited until JESUS was hungry, then presented HIM with options, all of which would separate JESUS from GOD, just for temporary comfort. Most times, single people are asked not to have sex. The Church (rightly) hammers on this. But they stop there. Nobody says anything about what to do when you have already had sex and are single. There are myriads of sexual encounters single people in church engage in and are never discussed. It then becomes easier to shove it all under the carpet (unless someone gets careless and pregnant then the church is condemned). How would our LORD JESUS CHRIST handle sex, singlehood, and temptations? How did HE do it, after all, HE never married during HIS time as CHRIST on earth? Let's look into how he handled the first sexual situation HE was confronted with in Scripture. The woman caught in the act of adultery. HE was asked whether she should be stoned. After all, it is the law. In today's parlance, the Church might have strict punishments for those who are engaged and get pregnant before wedlock. Some may be asked not to wear white. That way, without them saying a word, their sin is publicized. Or, they may be asked to delay marriage, thereby intensifying the chances that sex outside marriage between the couple may continue. And, lying, when asked it they have been having sex, just to jump the hurdle of people's expectations and be with their desired spouse. I understand the Church trying to maintain purity. But could there be a better way? One that doesn't paint someone who sinned with such a public humiliation. JESUS did not say one word. HEinstead, bent down, wrote on the ground (some say HE was writing the sins of the accusers), then HE waited until they were gone before rising. Not once did GOD shame her. GOD knew she knew what she did was wrong. HE simply said, "Go and sin no more." No drama. No committee. No public shaming. No slapping. No suspension. No removal from church duties. Simply, go and sin no more. Unless you are KING JESUS CHRIST, if you are a son/daughter of Adam, there is a sin "which easily besets you". If you married early, always have your spouse available to meet your sexual needs, then the challenges of singlehood, divorce, separation, widowhood, a prolonged sick spouse, single motherhood/fatherhood, delay in marriage, etc may not concern you. It is easy to paint people with one brush, write up expectations for them you would not be capable of upholding should your spouse travel for two weeks out of town. Belonging to any of these other categories beside 'Married', teaches you compassion, understanding, granting grace and seeking how to help. Remember, GOD created all your organs, including the sensual ones. GOD knows exactly what sex is. HE created it. But for it to be enjoyed in exclusivity between a married man and woman. If GOD created it, HE can teach you how to manage it if you involve GOD into it. For the longest time, I brought my church face to GOD. Things changed when I began walking in consecration and invited GOD into a sexual situation. I saw GOD do a miracle. I know we think we know GOD. I can assure you, until you give ALL of you to GOD, you do not know HIM. But, you can choose to. Everyone needs a life partner, whether they admit it or not. There are various reasons for singlehood (includes all the categories above, not just those who have never been married). It is important to express understanding, seek to incorporate your single people into your gatherings without making them feel less than. I remember when I turned 35 and GOD THE FATHER wanted to give me away in marriage. PAPA was so eager. HE wanted to see HIS baby girl [(me :) ) jealous yet? LOL) Forever GOD's baby girl, no adulting with GOD for me!] settled down in marriage. But I'd lived sinfully for about a decade for starters, so I didn't think I deserved PAPA going the extra mile for me. But secondly and most importantly, I was working for THE LORD and I begged PAPA for five years to put everything I had into what I was doing for HIM, then at 40, HE could give me away in marriage. The thing I was doing, was writing Christian fiction. I wrote until I hit that year five, and She Knows Her GOD was the culminating book of that season. Oh my joy when the book was done, I turned toward my Heavenly Father, and said I was ready. Little did I know GOD was working on a reward for me! Listen, when you put GOD above your necessary needs, GOD will go above and beyond for you. Today, I am so grateful that GOD takes care of me in every way. I lack nothing and my every need is met righteously. I am intentionally encouraging others who may find themselves single by choice or by force, to choose the path of holiness. It is tough at first, but when you call GOD into your incidents of need, you will watch GOD handle it like the Creator HE is. Finally, JESUS gave the woman three things: Forgiveness, honor, a new chance. You can get a new chance today. HE did warn her not to sin again. I echo our LORD JESUS' words. If you have been living in sin, no matter how insignificant, our LORD says to you, "Go, and sin no more." Never let the hunger for anything give the devil an advantage over you. If JESUS could endure 33 years without sex, at whatever point you choose to start living holy, ask JESUS how HE did it and HE will grant you grace for every season, including single seasons. 10/11/2023 0 Comments The Power of JESUS.March 31, 2022. I was in a hotel room in North Carolina where I'd gone to attend a conference. While preparing, I was stuck on a Worship song, Victor's Crown, which basically said JESUS already won so I'm not afraid of the battle ahead. I was still in Maryland.
Little did I know that by eleven p.m. that night, satan and his agents would attack me spiritually in a way that would manifest as stroke. I woke up around 11pm, having dozed off around 9pm and when I woke, one of my arms was not working. In short, the devil did not plan for me to leave that room alive. I prayed and warred all night until around 6am. I massaged that arm with the anointed handkerchief my pastor had gotten from out Father in THE LORD and cried to GOD all night long. The conference I'd come for had just gotten started. I left that morning. I flew back to MD and the stroke was bad enough that ( a little graphic) but I could not pull my underwear down to use the toilet. My hand had been working fine twenty four hours earlier. I was slim and physically in good health. There was no medical cause. I knew that. I also knew it was a spiritual attack. I was determined that satan would not have the final say. I prayed over olive oil and it became anointing oil. I worked on that hand and by the third day, the hand could hold a bottle of water (pictured above). I was so happy I sent a photo of it to my family. How many times have you held a bottle of water and taken it for granted that you were able to? Just a side note. But I needed a heavier doze of the power of GOD. The anointing oil was working but a bit slowly. A few days after my return to MD, I was asleep. Now, if you are a skeptic, oblige me. If you believe me, read on. I was sleeping and satan showed up. I don't know what the enemy was doing but it seemed the snake turned the wrong way and the power of GOD granted to me when GOD called me to ministry and and which the enemy had attacked me and cut off from me during an incident a while back, poured over my hand and my face. The power of GOD poured in such a quantity that right there, in the spirit realm, my hand was healed instantly! I felt it in the spirit realm first. I woke up and there was my hand working like nothing had happened. I lifted a large metal milk container that's like half the height of a human being and sent the video to my family. I was healed and satan has not recovered from that loss it suffered in my life. JESUS has power. Almighty power. Just because you have not experienced it does not mean it does not exist. Go to the hospital if you need to. But I know a GOD, the only true GOD, who asked me to come to HIM in the Name of JESUS and that no matter what I need and how bad it is, JESUS' power will fix it. And JESUS' power has not failed me once. Ever. When one says things like this, satan likes to create scenarios in the person's like and broadcast it so it seems like GOD failed. I know my enemy. Just know the devil is a master manipulator and a chronic liar. No matter what hell does tomorrow to make it seem like JESUS' power failed me, it is a lie. Believe what I am telling you because if you do not, when you need that power, you will fall ito the wrong hands and be taken advantage of. The only thing that cuts off a human being's access to GOD's power is sin. Unrepented sin after receiving JESUS as your personal LORD and Savior will block your access to divine power. That is why it is critically important that once you have confessed JESUS as your personal LORD and Savior, you confess every sin each time you sin and ask JESUS to cleanse you with HIS Blood. Every time. If you delay, you leave the door open for satan and that enemy can wreck untold havoc with just a small door. Promise me you will call on JESUS if you are ever in trouble. Promise me you will stick with JESUS and only JESUS. Promise me you will come to GOD with full faith with the big things and small things of your life, and do whatever GOD says do concerning your situation. Promise me you will give JESUS a chance to prove to you HIS is THE ALMIGHTY GOD, not for applause, or publicity, but so you whom HE loves can come to HIM. Believe in the power of JESUS and it will work for you! I love you. But JESUS loves you the most! |
Joy Ohagwu, J.PUSA Today Bestselling & Award winning Author, Christian Fiction. M.A. Int'l Affairs. Archives
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